Shoo Fly Pie – Day 717

Yumminess – Photo: L. Weikel

Shoo Fly Pie

It’s almost my Witching Hour and I’ve already fallen asleep sitting up once this evening. So I’m going to succumb to the basest of instincts and just tease you all before going to sleep. Yes…you caught me. I was eating a most delectable slice (or two or three) of shoo fly pie tonight.

For the uninitiated out there, shoo fly pie is probably the single best reason to grow up in or around Pennsylvania Dutch country.

Shoo fly pie is, essentially, a molasses crumb cake in pie form – but the essential aspect that makes a shoo fly pie totally fantastic is when you bake one that is a ‘wet-bottom’ shoo fly pie.

Oh yes.

‘Wet bottom’ is really the only proper version of shoo fly pie.

And the one I just photographed to share with you this evening is a perfect example.

I happen to have a source from whom I can secure them freshly baked (this one was baked just this morning). And the baker hails from Amish country, which makes this all the more authentic.

Growing Up

When I was growing up, our neighbor, Mrs. Deemer, taught me how to make a wet bottom shoo fly pie. Every once in a while my parents and I would get a hankering for one and I would bake one. I regret that I haven’t made one in probably 45 years or so.

That’s a recipe I probably, sadly, no longer have.

So I’m all the more grateful for Old Schoolhouse Bakery!


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