Frozen Milk – Photo: L. Weikel
Seasonal Temps
It was cold last night!
Nothing says ‘seasonal temps’ in February better than a frozen half gallon of milk.
These ‘seasonal temps’ and their consequences were a bit irksome this morning, though, when I wanted to make my morning coffee!
With some good ‘old ingenuity (and common sense), I managed to wrestle that milk back into coffee shape.
The Grinch Strikes Back?
Another seasonal‘Influencer’ that crossed my path today was this ice patch. The amazing thing is, I stopped mid-walk to take this photo because I saw geometric patterns in the frozen puddle and wanted to catch them as they glinted in the setting sun. It wasn’t until I got home and took a look at the photos I’d taken that I realized what a striking resemblance there is between this puddle and Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat.
In point of fact, I’m not sure if this frozen puddle reminds me more of the Cat in the Hat or The Grinch. No matter which, there can be little doubt that the sinister smile is representative of at least one of Seuss’s greatest hits!

Ice Grinch – Photo: L. Weikel
Walking Inspiration
I love it when I take a walk and discover random bits and pieces of beauty.
It feels like I’ve been in a drought lately in that regard. Today, however – I hit the jackpot. Yes, there were more. I’ll share them, but perhaps….later.
Great to recognize the beauty of the etching in the ice, sorry that it was seen as sinister. Hoping your spirits rise, and the temperature too!
No worries! Even though the Grinch has a ‘sinister’ smile, overall, I see the story as one in which love prevails.