What? – Photo: L. Weikel
Remorse or Retaliation?
Just look at that face.
This is what greeted me when I returned home this afternoon.
I don’t think the title to this post poses a legitimate question. Not if you take a close look at her mug. I’m pretty sure Sheila is not too subtly giving me the proverbial paw and asking me what I’m gonna do about it.
She shredded it. What of it?
It was there. She was bored. It reminded her of her puppyhood. Case closed.
Did I leave her anything extra to eat when I left? No? It seems I was gone an awful long time. She was concerned. Stressed.
Oh, yeah – that snack bag of treats she took out of my jacket pocket, ripping the inside of it as she dug at it in a frenzy? They were old. Stale. I could’ve packed a higher quality treat in that snack bag, to be honest. She’d worked up an appetite teaching that stuffed owl a lesson. Rude bird. And then forcing her to play hide-and-seek in my coat pocket? Just for a snack? A snack she deserved?
She’s OLD, dammit! And half blind. And deaf. How could she have lifted a paw against that evil raptor?
Really, that owl was looking for trouble. It’s been taunting her for months – maybe years; hard to say – her perspective is canine. And a girl can only take so much before her paw is forced. These weird stuffy things need to be shown who’s boss. She’s boss.

Disavowal – Photo: L. Weikel
Ick. No. Don’t put it near her. She doesn’t want to look at it.
And besides: She had nothing to do with it.
It was Spartacus.

I didn’t do it – Photo: L. Weikel