Rising Moon – 12/28/2020 – Photo: L. Weikel
While the moon won’t be at its fullest until tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. ET, it was hard to ignore her presence as she rose above the tree line early this evening. My eyes were drawn to the horizon and when I caught sight of that massive orb rising in the eastern sky, I felt a direct connection between it and my heart.
Tomorrow’s full moon is 2020’s 13th full moon. It’s time to say goodbye.
It’s interesting to note how some objects and some people don’t need to say or do a thing in order to have an influence on their surroundings. Every time I look at the moon, no matter what its phase, I feel a reaction inside myself. Sometimes it’s wonder and awe. Other times it’s delight. Sometimes – not often, but occasionally – it’s a sense of foreboding.
Whatever reaction the moon has on me inevitably comes down to its presence.
This concept applies similarly to humans. It’s fascinating to witness the effect some people have on their surroundings simply by showing up and being themselves. Their mere presence has the power to shift attitudes or change minds.

Full Moon Seeing Its Future – Photo: L. Weikel
As we walked this evening, I found it difficult to tear my eyes away from the moon. The shadows she cast were stark and profound. There was no wishy-washy doubt lingering between light and dark. Our shadows, leading us forward since the moon was peering over our shoulders, were crisp and certain. They knew where we were going.
Sensing a slight dimming of the moon’s brilliance at one point, I looked up and saw clouds flirting and taking shape around and beyond her. As I watched, it looked ever so much to me as though the clouds took the form of a waning crescent ‘ahead’ of the moon itself – indeed, a crescent with a classic ‘man-in-the-moon’ face. For the life of me, it looked like the full moon was chasing its future, which in its own way was yearning to move forward, cloud arms outstretched toward an invisible goal.

Reaching Forward – Photo: L. Weikel
Take Advantage
It feels important for us to take advantage of the next few days to contemplate what we want to lean toward this coming year. Where is our shadow leading us? What adventures do we yearn to pursue?
I’m reminded of the dance between Jupiter and Saturn. As we’re well aware, Jupiter has been pursuing Saturn, leaning toward it, and it finally managed to catch its prize one week ago today in the Grand Conjunction.
It was quite surprising then, tonight, to witness just how far Jupiter has left Saturn in its dust in the mere seven days since that conjunction.
I wonder if we’ll slingshot forward toward our dreams just like Jupiter in 2021?

Jupiter (left) whizzing past Saturn – Photo: L. Weikel