Tree Owl – Photo: L. Weikel
So, OK.
You guys, my loyal peeps who’ve been sticking with me through 181 days now (even if you did miss a couple few), know that I’ve wondered what would happen if I found myself in a space where I might be compromised in my ability to honor my 1111 Devotion commitment.
Well, this moment is both a challenge and an affirmation.
The night tonight is exquisitely conducive to cocooning. To sleeping. To dreaming. I’m sitting here in my room, the expansive windows thrown wide open despite the rain cascading from the sky. (I checked: No worries, nothing is coming in through the screens.)
It’s almost as if the cavalcade of sounds, textures, voices and images that we just experienced at the hands of the wizardly alchemist Peter May and his sound dakini, Marina, actually rippled out into and through the rainforest, following us as we wound our way to our room.
Indeed, perhaps our journey to the ululating murmerings of the didgeridoo was a mere appetizer to the evening’s main course.
The one that followed us home.
I can only hope.
My Devotion – My Heart
In the meantime, though, in the race to return to my room so I could write these words, I realized just how close to my heart I hold this devotion. It’s as if this time at the close of every day is time actually spent with my eldest son. Even if I don’t write about him (which in fact I rarely do), even if I write about the most mundane of topics. Even if I write a sentence and call it an evening. No detail about any post that I may write has any bearing whatsoever on the heart of the act itself.
There is purpose behind this Act of Power.
I write because I love.
And the love I feel is eternal, expansive, and holds the utmost healing power.
I hope each and every one of you, whether reading this or not, in some way feels the essence of what I felt (and feel) tonight. Whether it was a wisp of a sense, a warm sense, a rustle of your hair. I dropped by. I sent you love. I blew you a kiss. I thought about you.
And because you happen to be reading this at this very moment, know that that thought, that love, is coming to you yet again.
That was my dream earlier. May it continue to manifest.

Photo: L. Weikel
Amadell posts have been so expanding ending with love. Thank you. Quite meaningful for personal reasons…
Thanks, Mary.
We can all do with more love in our lives. I hope you feel mine.