Picture Trumps Words – Day 723

Picture Trumps Words

Yes…I know; an ironic choice of words. But the main reason I chose this title is because I need to allow myself to do, be, and enjoy precisely what Precious is emulating in this photo. Especially tonight. And especially throughout the rest of this week.

I don’t dare allow myself to write anything even remotely pensive. Nor do I have any desire to write anything self-reflective.

Rather, I am so exhausted I can hardly keep my eyes open.

So I’m going to ‘listen’ to Precious and visit the Dreamtime.

One Thing

We knew it would take patience to receive the final count in a number of states. I’ve been awake for 20 hours straight, dealing with more people at one time than I’ve dealt with since the primary back in June.

I need to sleep. That’s about the best commentary on this evening that I can muster. I refuse to succumb to despair before I sleep.


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