No Fluff – Day 191

Photo: L. Weikel

No Fluff         

I can muster nothing of substance. I can muster no fluff. I admit I almost fell asleep and completely missed writing a post this evening.

I quietly started laughing to myself when I realized I was falling asleep in my chair while composing sentences that barely make sense.

Even now, I’m writing but honestly having a tough time remembering what I’ve even told you from one sentence to another.

I went to bed after 1:00 last night and was up at 5:15.

It’s time for me to go to bed now. I reported to our polling place at 6:00 a.m. and we did not finish counting the ballots until 9:00 p.m.

Tomorrow will be a better post. Tomorrow I’ll finally get a chance to take a walk (if I’m lucky and it doesn’t rain) and actually get a chance to contemplate my experiences over the past two weeks.

Tomorrow I will (hopefully) make more sense.

But tonight I need to snuggle with my babies – pups, cats, everybody.

Good night my friends!


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