Moon Shot – Day Sixty One

Sayan Mountains, Buryatia, Siberia       Photo by L. Weikel

Moon Shot

Did anybody catch the error of my moon shot last night?

Didn’t think so.

I blew it. I snagged a photo I’d taken of the moon not last night but actually several years ago, hoping I was catching the same waxing crescent as it was last night. But I had a sneaking feeling I wasn’t getting it right.

Sure enough, when I walked outside tonight and looked up at Mama Killa, she was definitely facing the opposite direction of the photo that I’d included in my post last night.

Is She Coming or Going?

I think that qualifies me as potentially lunar dyslexic. By looking at the crescent, I can’t tell if it’s coming or going. So I figure maybe if I publicly confess my egregious lapse in knowledge, I will drill it into my brain.

I’m realizing that the moon grows and begins reappearing to us from her new moon ‘dark’ phase from right to left, which is kind of interesting. If you think about it, so much of our culture is trained to think things ‘progress’ by moving left to right. We read left to right. We write left to write.

But the moon, which is associated with the feminine, the hidden, the occult, the intuitive, progresses in the opposite direction. It therefore truly does reflect the feminine ‘yin’ to the sun’s ‘yang.’

Which reminds me that we’re in the midst of two eclipses this month. The first occurred on January 5thand was a solar eclipse. This took place in the sign of Capricorn and was apparently particularly powerful for seeding those new intentions we’re contemplating bringing into our life this coming year.

Coming Up: A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

The next one (since they always come in pairs), is a lunar eclipse, and will take place the night of January 20thinto the morning of January 21st, depending upon where you live. It is to take place at the same time we’re experiencing a so-called ‘supermoon,’ which should make the deep reddish hue of that “Wolf” moon, when it ‘goes dark’ for the several minutes during which the Earth is directly blocking the sun from it, quite dramatic.

I’m going to be diving into some more astrology soon. I’m feeling a call to learn more about it in a more organized fashion, rather than just picking up bits and pieces of knowledge here and there, as I have so far throughout my life. I’m not planning on learning more in order to give readings or anything, but rather to get a better handle on the celestial influences that are impacting all of us.

I probably won’t blather on too much over it; but you never can tell. When I get enthusiastic about a subject, I do enjoy sharing my delight.

And I’m ready for some delight. How about you?

So dig out those birth certificates and find your time of birth so you can print your ‘natal’ chart and discover more and more about yourself.

But in the meantime, let’s pay attention to that moon, shall we?


2 thoughts on “Moon Shot – Day Sixty One

  1. Ancient Hebrews centered their lives around the lunar calender, and for that matter their worship around the phases of the moon. Hebrew is still a language read right to left.

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