Long Day Short Post – Day 700

Photo: L. Weikel

Long Day Short Post

There’s nothing like having a title so succinctly tell your story that you don’t need to write a single, additional word. And here we are: long day short post.

It’s all I can do to keep my eyes open.

Not only has it been a long day capping a brilliantly emotional weekend, I’m also laboring under the additional handicap of listening to the steady patter of raindrops through the screen of our front door. It’s deeply relaxing and mesmerizing and makes it oh so hard to maintain a focus.

Wishes flowing out into the Universe – Photo: L. Weikel

Short Walk, Too

I will persist, however, until I achieve my goal. Just like today – while we may not have managed as long a walk as we usually take when we’re together, we did manage to squeeze a short one in before getting on the road.

And there they were: leading the way, embarking on a brand new path – together.

And overhead? It was as if the clouds embodied the wishes of love, hope, and joy for the future – theirs and ours – that so many of you have so kindly offered, swirling ahead of us, leading the way to the very future we are co-creating.

All I can say is that my heart is filled with gratitude for the abundance of blessings we experienced this weekend. Hope exists in all of our hearts. And Love prevails.

Newlywed Smooches – Photo: L. Weikel


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