Keening is a form of vocal lament associated with mourning that is traditional in Scotland and Ireland.
"Keen" as a noun or verb comes from the Irish Gaelic term "caoineadh" (to cry) and references to it from the seventh, eighth and twelfth centuries are extensive.
Written sources that refer to the practice in Ireland reappear from the sixteenth century on. It should be noted however that the principle of improvised vocal lament is in no way reserved to Ireland (the term keen is also used with reference to Scottish tradition) and that laments are documented from various cultures around the world.
Cairn at Dunderry Park, County Meath, Ireland. Photo by Jón Ágúst
The Irish tradition of keening over the body at the burial is distinct from the wake – the practice of watching over the corpse – which took place the night before the burial. The "keen" itself is thought to have been constituted of stock poetic elements (the listing of the genealogy of the deceased, praise for the deceased, emphasis on the woeful condition of those left behind etc.) set to vocal lament. While generally carried out by one or several women, a chorus may have been intoned by all present. Physical movements involving rocking, kneeling or clapping accompanied the keening woman ("bean caoinadh") who was often paid for her services.
After consistent opposition from the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland (Synods opposed the practice in 1631, 1748 and 1800) that went so far as to recommend excommunication for offenders, the practice became extinct; the Church’s position is however unlikely to have been the sole cause. Although some recordings have been made and the practice has been documented up to recent times, it is generally considered to be extinct.
(Retrieved from Wikipedia)
Despite what Wikipedia has to say about keening, my dear friend John Cantwell responds thusly:
“This ritual has never completely died out. It never became extinct, it still survives intact, for personal and universal necessary grieving. It is in the Celtic soul – a soul that is beyond control of edict from any institution. It is the preserve of the feminine vein in the animal called Celtic.” – John Cantwell, Celtic Shaman.
To learn more about Celtic shamanism, and keening in particular, contact: Karen Ward and John Cantwell.