Sheila and her Sage – Photo: L. Weikel
As I struggle to find words to express my feelings tonight, ‘irreplaceable’ keeps spiraling to the surface.

Happy Pups: Spartacus (l) and Sheila (r) – Photo: L. Weikel
She came into our lives in October 2004 and changed our family forever.

Sheila – Queen of the Household – Photo: L. Weikel
We thought we knew love before we met our Sheila. Boy, were we in for a surprise.

Speaking of Watchers… – Photo: L. Weikel
There just aren’t any words for me to share with you tonight.

Inseparable Mother & Son – Photo: L. Weikel
This photo of Sheila and Spartacus snuggled together almost inseparably, has them facing a wall hanging we got after Karl died. In stumbling upon this tonight, I think she is letting me know we listened to her…by letting her go. It says:
In the end what matters most is
How well did you live
How well did you love
How well did you learn
To let go

Irreplaceable – Photo: L. Weikel
Beloved Sheila: 9/17/2004 – 9/25/2020
Oh, Lisa, I am so sorry you lost your buddy! Such a sweet doggie. Sparticus will be mourning too. I hope she went easy. Sending hugs.
Thanks, Elaine. She did let go easily – and so quickly – which felt like confirmation of how deeply tired she was.
Of course, I cradled her in my arms the whole time.
Spartacus is definitely grieving.
Lisa and Family…I am sobbing right now…Sheila was quite the Lady. I hope Spartacus is doing alright in her absence.
Michael J. Dog passed this July- I am lost without him. No one understands the sadness and sense of loss until you have lost
your “Best forever friend” I was with him until the end and he is resting by our Fire Pit as we called him our “Fire Dog”- he loved
to go out with us to the Fire and watch over everyone. I still can hear him snoring at night…Please know that my love goes out to you and “Carlos” ( as Alithia calls him), Sage and Max.
Oh Kate, you know only too well the hole that’s left in our lives when our ‘good boy’ or ‘good girl’ leaves us. Your loss of Michael J. Dog is fresh; and we certainly can attest to noticing his loss as well. He always sensed our impending arrival before we were even in view of your home!
I’m sure he is still hanging by the fire with all of you – just like Sheila’s still watching over us. They took (and take) their jobs very seriously.
You know we love all of you too… We’re lucky to have such great neighbors.