Setting Out – Photo: L. Weikel
I Got Distracted
I’ll admit it; I got distracted this evening. I became engrossed in trying to edit my Listening Retreats page on my website, and when I looked up, I was (am) appalled to discover that it’s 12:41 a.m. Even worse, I could not for the life of me manage to substitute the photo at the top of the page!
I don’t know where the evening went tonight. Well, yes, I do.
Karl and I took an amazingly wonderful walk this evening.
In spite of the rain that fell sporadically throughout the day, the air just kept getting thicker and hotter. So much so, that we knew we weren’t even going to bother walking until the sun was much lower in the sky.
As a result, we didn’t set out until 7:30 p.m. or so. Since we took the walk-about route (4 miles), by the time we got home the clock was pushing 9:00 p.m.
Oh, but can I tell you? It was SO worth it!

The mists of the Faerie Kingdom – Photo: L. Weikel
We Walked Into a Magical Kingdom
It was as if we walked through a magical storybook. At first, high swirling clouds and the setting sun painted messages in the sky. About half a mile later, we encountered fields where everything was muffled under a blanket of light fog – which even, quite eerily, crept out onto the road.
As we continued into the shelter of the towering trees near High Rocks, darkness started seeping into our consciousness and we became quiet and pensive. But of course, this quietude lasted barely an eyeblink because – of course – the lightning bugs started their evening ascension, which never fails to bring delight and a light-hearted joyfulness to our time together.
I must try to get those photos uploaded right now, so I can share them with you. The lightning bugs, though – they are elusive, at least in the eye of an iPhone’s camera.

Mist Crossing the Road – Photo: L. Weikel