Golden Opportunity
Tonight I want to alert you to an absolutely golden opportunity that you should. not. miss.
Beginning Sunday, September 1st, my great friend and world-class numerologist, Alison Baughman, will be starting her comprehensive, five week Numerology Course. For five straight weeks, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST every Sunday, you will learn an amazing amount of information on numerology that will stand you in good stead, regardless of whether you use it for yourself or find that you want to dip into this field with an even greater commitment. (And you just might be surprised by how much all of this resonates with you!)
As I’ve mentioned in other posts, Alison knows her numbers. She knows her stuff and she is a great teacher. And this is a golden opportunity (and perhaps the last) to study with her first-hand.
Books, Too
It just so happens that she also wrote an excellent basic book on numerology, Speaking to Your Soul – Through Numerology.
Personally, I know she’s on a quest to write some additional books which, given her wry sense of humor and no-nonsense style, could be hilarious. (The books, not the quest – although the quest could end up being amusing in its own right.)
I’d by lying if I didn’t admit that it freaks me out a bit when I see Alison state things starkly, like, “This could be my last offering of this class.” That’s because she does not mess around. And she does not make comments like this cavalierly.

Believe Her When She Says, “This May Be it”
I didn’t believe it when she announced a few years ago that she was going to stop doing private readings for people. The reason I didn’t believe it was because her readings are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
I’ve listened to mine over and over, probably at least a dozen times, as well as the periodic updates I was lucky enough to have with her when I needed to know ‘what was going on’ in my life ‘by the numbers.’
It just didn’t seem possible to me that someone with such an extraordinary gift could mean it when she announced she would be stepping away from it. But she did. And she has.
Which is why I feel it is incumbent upon me to highly recommend you take her course in September. It’s an opportunity that you could easily regret if you don’t take action now. I can tell you unequivocally: I intend to take the course. Heck, every time I listen to my readings with Alison, I learn a ton. (And you know I enjoy bringing into my posts at least some of what I know just by hanging around the woman.)
Yes, I’m going to take the course – and you should, too.
Lastly: Don’t Forget to Retreat…and Listen
Finally, next week at this time I will have wrapped my first Listening Retreat at Amadell. If you’re still flirting with the idea of allowing yourself the exquisite gift of disconnecting with the outside world and spending time with yourself, Mother Nature, and an amazing group of like-minded people (with whom you’ll probably remain friends for who knows how long – forever?), then jump off the cliff. Take the plunge. Come. To. Amadell.
Join us! $395 for the weekend (program plus meals), with $50/ night lodging in absolutely adorable, well-appointed rooms. Email me ( to register, and contact to reserve your room.
There’s so much to learn and experience in life. These two experiences are not to be missed and will give you skills you’ll use forever!