So much potential – Photo: L. Weikel
Gilded With Sadness
I’ve been sitting here feeling a similar sense of that ‘stuck in waiting’ I mentioned last night, only tonight’s is gilded with sadness. I’m speaking, of course, of the suicide bombings at Kabul Airport targeting our evacuation efforts. It was only a matter of time before awful people made a desperate situation exponentially worse. And speaking of worse, the reactions of those in the insurrectionist party back here in the U.S. are simply disgusting.
But I don’t want to go down this road, especially since there’s nothing I can do to make the situation better. I guess I bring this latest tragedy up at all because it’s part of our shared reality and it’s impacting each and every one of us, whether we want to admit it or not.
I’d rather focus my (and hence our) attention on higher vibrational subjects – things that make us lean toward smiling rather than scowling (or weeping) (or collapsing in a rage).

Glissando of Life and Color – Photo: L.Weikel
Sense of Humor
I’m sharing some photos of a lovely pink wildflower that caught my attention the other day. I couldn’t shake the feeling that these blossoms (and the buds so tantalizingly close to bursting forth all along the stem like some quivering glissando of potential) were a symbol of the potential still available all around us.
I’m sure I’ve seen these flowers before but for the life of me I had no idea what they were called.
But sure enough, Mr. Google came through yet again and I believe – saucily enough, Universe! – this is called an Obedient Plant.
Hmm. Yeah. That’s not what I was expecting. But it did make me laugh.
And boy did it feel good to at least feel a chuckle.
Am I the last person to hear of an Obedient Plant? Probably. And I suspect Karl will be clamoring to plant them in abundance around our property. He can dream all he wants – and plant them, too! I find them to be absolutely lovely.

Obedient Plant buds closeup, with an ant making a cameo – Photo: L. Weikel