Turkeys – Photo: L. Weikel
Gifts Galore
Oh my goodness, I was visited or buzzed by, or simply graced with a sighting of, so many different creatures today! Some days I find myself wondering how I could possibly be so lucky as to live where I come into contact with these wild beings every single day. Today – well, today I just received gifts galore.
There were the usual suspects: squirrels (am I really counting them as gifts? Hmmm), cardinals, wrens, sparrows, mourning doves, chickadees, and nuthatches.
But then I took a walk with a friend and – weren’t we not only buzzed by a hawk, which clearly was a Red-tail, but must have been a juvenile because its red tail feathers were not red when viewed from underneath. And this raptor definitely flew directly above us.
They then called in their friends because within a few moments, we were graced with at least five hawks and a couple of peace eagles (vultures) to boot.

Circled directly overhead several times – Photo: L. Weikel
A Murder, Too
A true murder of crows (there had to have been at least a dozen) flew overhead at one point, and several took up a variety of perspectives from nearby trees and simply hurled epithets at us. Perhaps they were loving messages, I suppose. It’s hard to tell sometimes when a crow groks at you.
Shortly thereafter, I was driving home and what did I see in the field beside road? Only a bazillion turkeys. Such a gift! Indeed, as I stated at the beginning of this short post, today I was showered with gifts galore.

A field full of gifts galore – Photo: L. Weikel