Photo: L. Weikel
First Day of April
It’s the first day of April by the time any of you read this, since I know I won’t get it published until after midnight. I’m sure you share with me the inclination to cock your head and ask, “Really? It’s April? What year?”
Nothing is normal anymore. Every single day we plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss of horror. “Surely,” we say to each other, “surely this is some vast apocalyptic nightmare movie that we’re all playing bit parts in. We’re extras in a movie starring Donald Trump, right?”
We’d be excused for thinking so – for thinking that we are no more than walk-on extras who are expendable in every way, as long as the star gets his due.
But I didn’t want to go there, so you can just forget these first couple of paragraphs. On to something tangible we can do.
Perelandra’s Biodiversity Project
I’ve written about this before – a number of times. The first explanation I gave of this very simply procedure that takes no more than five minutes, using ten drops of the elixir called Essence of Perelandra is in this post. I provide you with a variety of links to the Perelandra site and other interesting references in that post.
Hopefully, you’ve invested in a bottle or two of Essence of Perelandra so you can participate in taking a small but significant to Nature step in bringing humanity into balance with Nature.
It’s interesting to me that my first post on this subject was instigated by the fires in the Amazon. When I wrote about the lungs of Mother Earth being burned – and suggested we take this step to begin bringing us back into balance.
Hmm. Mother Earth’s lungs were burning, and humanity was in no small way complicit in that happening. And now our lungs are filling up and drowning thousands of us.
I dare say – there’s a correlation. On a lot of levels.
This Isn’t a Joke
So please – take five minutes on April 1st (today), and the first day of every month, to recognize and speak with Mother Earth/Nature – and do something proactive, profound, and yet oh-so-simple to bring us into balance with our home and the sentience that surrounds us.
It’s something you can do. And it’s not a joke.
And while you’re there, I urge you to check out the solutions being recommended that will build your immunity. (MBP solutions: Respiratory, Lymphatic, and Immune – and the Virus solution.) Read about the concepts underpinning these solutions. It’s all about creating a balance in your body and energetic field. Don’t take my word for it, though – read about it yourself. Make up your own mind.

Beauty – Photo: L. Weikel