Post Snow-Walk Snuggles – Photo: L. Weikel
Finally! A Snowstorm
Finally! A snowstorm! Until today, we’ve barely even had flurries. It’s hard to believe this was the first appreciable snowfall of the fall/winter season. I’d say we got about 4” – which was just right!
For Pacha and Brutus it was their first encounter with the fluffy white stuff. The adventure began last night, when I took them out for their last-chance, just-before-bed, relief opportunity. They both seemed perplexed by the white globs of cold stuff falling on them as they did their business. But the extra nip in the air provided by those flakes simply hastened their single-pointed focus to return to the house and dive under the covers.
This morning, however, their vastly different personalities were evident. While both were tentative at first, Pacha quickly reveled in prancing through the white stuff, kicking it up with her feet and burying her snout in the piles she created.
On the other hand, Brutus’s distaste for the whole cold, wet affair was obvious. With a little coaxing from his sister, he grudgingly scampered about for a few (very few) minutes. (Maybe not even a whole minute, to be honest.) But he quickly made it abundantly clear that, no thank you, he’d much prefer snuggling in front of the fire.

“This is SO FUN!” (Pacha) – Photo: L. Weikel
Indulging Both
Not wanting to play favorites, we let them snuggle in front of the fire and dragged them out for a walkie in the white stuff.
Neither one of them balked at taking a walk this afternoon, though, which surprised us. It’s not uncommon for us to have to coax them for the first hundred yards or so, just because they tend to be sticks in the mud – especially when it’s cold out. So we thought for sure that walking in the snow would prove to be even more of a hassle, but we were wrong.
There was a bit less lollygagging and sniffing at the weeds along the way. But all in all, even Brutus seemed to have a good time taking a walkie in a winter wonderland.
And when all was said and done, the Grinch and the warmth of a fire awaited.

“Let’s go home and snuggle in front of the fire!” – Photo: L. Weikel