Sunset 8 July 2020 – Photo: L. Weikel
OK, let’s get real. There will be repercussions one way or another tomorrow; repercussions that we’re all going to have to respond to and deal with. And either way things go, the fallout is almost certain to be of epic proportions.
You know what I’m talking about: DT’s tax returns.
Those who closely follow the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) are indicating that tomorrow will be the day that we receive the decision on the ‘tax return’ cases. We’ll either discover that DT is, in fact, “above the law” while he’s president and therefore does not have to comply with the law as all other citizens would in providing his tax returns (to Congress for them to fulfill their oversight duties or to New York in furtherance of a criminal investigation) or he does have to disclose those tax returns.
Either way, there will be fallout and we will be the recipients.
Happy Dance
If he perceives himself to have won, we can be assured of a couple of things: First, he will gleefully do a happy dance on all of our heads. He will crow and cluck and lord it over all of us (but especially his political rivals) that he is king, that he is untouchable. He will praise the Supreme Court and deem it to be the wisest, most amazing judicial body in the land (comprised of “the best people”).
That would be bad enough. But we all know it won’t end with a little gloating. Not only will he rub it in our collective faces (and he will, as he has every other time he has enjoyed what could be construed as a win), he will also consider it a green light to do whatever he damn well wants. For instance, and at a minimum, whatever behavior he’s trying to hide in those returns will be continued. You can bank on that (pun intended). But DT being DT, he will immediately engage in even worse illegal behavior. Why? Because the SCOTUS will have said, “Be our guest.”
But as bad as that sounds? There will be even worse repercussions:
If he wins this case based upon the fact that he is the president of the United States, does anyone in their right mind think he will ever willingly walk away from the presidency? Of course not. You can be sure he won’t. He’s already been broadcasting this intention for months, if not years. But if he escapes responsibility for adhering to the laws of the United States simply because he holds the office of the president, I guarantee he will engage in extreme measures to hang on to that advantage.
And we can no longer plausibly react to anything he does with the trope, “But no one would ever do that.” Of course he would. He will.
Angry Stomp
And if he loses and is told he must comply with providing the returns either to the oversight committee of Congress or to the State of New York? Or both?
We will see gyrations and a flailing about that will make anything we’ve witnessed so far in the past three and a half years of egregious presidential behavior pale in comparison. The stakes are that high for him and his family.
He will create a distraction in the world so monumental that it will boggle our minds. And don’t think for one moment he isn’t ready to sacrifice however many people it will take to make us look away and perhaps even ‘forget’ about his tax returns.
No. I have a feeling that either way the decision goes tomorrow (unless they punt on rendering a decision until the next term), we are in for some major fallout. And even a punt by SCOTUS, at this point, might have unexpected and heretofore unbelievable repercussions.
Still Flow?
I’m curious if we’re supposed to deal with all of this fallout with the continued Ocean Oracle counsel of “Flow” that we received yesterday.
Perhaps we are. Just in case, I’m going to choose another card now. Let’s see:
Wow. Well, I never would’ve guessed these two cards would be the message we’d receive, but here they are. If these are any indication of the fallout we can expect, perhaps ultimately, the truth really will set us free.
We can only hope. And go with the flow.

The Ocean Oracle: Jellyfish (11 Hidden Gifts) and Sea Glass (35 Transformation)