Eyes Looking Back – Day 362


Eyes Looking Back

I was walking today and took this photo.

The brilliance of the emerald moss caught my attention and insisted I honor it by sharing its image. Truly, it called to me and when I say it insisted, I mean it. I sensed a desire to have its beauty shared.


So I guess I could claim that I was being semi-mindful as I strolled through the woods. I had a destination in mind, but I was at least conscious enough of my surroundings to appreciate the lush moss blanket and the intricate pattern of leaves splayed across it.

At least I heard the call for attention.

But now, as I look at this photo more closely, I’m starting to wonder just who it was that called me to stop and pay attention to this particular tree at this particular moment.

Are those eyes? Photo – L. Weikel

Eyes Looking Back

As I shushed forward through the piles of gold and brown leaves, I was called back to pay specific attention to this tree, this moss, this small but obvious portal into the darkness of Mother Earth. But when I look more closely at this snapshot of a moment in time, a blink of an eye, I see something staring back at me.

I peer into the tiny entrance at the heart of this tree and I realize…I’m not alone.

What’s behind the eyes I see staring back at me from inside the tree? Instead of fearing me, did it energetically reach out and snag me, pulling me back to engage in some energetic exchange? Was there a challenge issued from within this hollow, a call to stop and witness its presence?

Are the Beings that usually remain invisible to us humans demanding to be Seen and perhaps Heard in these volatile times?

Are they tired of being ignored or dismissed into non-existence?


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