Brutus Discovers Daffodils – Photo: L. Weikel
In the midst of everything (and I will leave it up to you to imagine what ‘everything’ might mean to me), I managed to experience some exquisite beauty today. And since it’s probably a safe bet that my definition of everything and your definition of everything probably share a great deal in common, I want to offer you a glimpse of what I saw today.
Remember when these little ones first came into our life back in October? They’ve grown so much, it’s hard to believe they’ve never experienced Spring before. All these intriguing flowers springing forth from the ground definitely have them flummoxed. This is especially true because both Pacha and Brutus (but especially Pacha) are seriously into eating sticks.
That means, of course, that when they start noticing delicacies poking their heads through the soil where they’ve never seen such plants before, they literally act as though they’re hallucinating. Their stubborn refusal to leave the plants alone and keep moving brought home to me the fact that they haven’t ever experienced the bonanza of sights and smells that Spring brings. I forgot! This is all new to them!

“Mmm. Smells good.” – Photo: L. Weikel
I’ve Given Up
There is no point in me saying, “Drop it!” anymore, especially after the warmth of this past weekend. Wow. Even I was taken by surprise by the transformation of our landscape. There is simply so much available now for puppies to put in their mouths! And who wouldn’t want to taste the rainbow?
But then I have a moment when I see Brutus really take in his first experience of daffodils and crocuses and I know why so many of us fall for newbies of every kind (kittens, puppies, babies…). It’s the innocence. It’s the pure delight in discovering something totally new that bends our senses.

“Mommy, I need to get just – a – little – closer!” Photo: L. Weikel
I Haven’t Forgotten
I’m still paying attention. The ‘everything’ I mentioned in my first paragraph continues to unfold all around us. But I’m taking a moment.
We are able to relish the circumstances Ukrainians are fighting to the death over at this very moment. War is not my personal experience in this moment. But beauty and joy are. Optimism and second chances and new horizons are, too.
I feel the suffering of others, but I also want to celebrate the relative peace I’m experiencing in this moment. It’s incumbent upon us to savor this. All of it.
Take a moment. Look around. Let your heart feel the hope that’s reflected in the daffodils and jonquils. Crocuses and wild violets.