New On-Going Event!
“Shamanic Caravan/Wagons”
Shamanic journeying is a powerful practice that shifts our perception and grants us access to our own unique guides, guardians, and allies. It’s a practice humans have been engaging in for thousands of years and in many cultures around the world. While it’s a skill I’ve shared in my Listening Retreats, it’s also something that can be easily learned with practice and adherence to a few “rules of the road.”
But like anything else, just because you know how to do something doesn’t mean you necessarily take the time to do it. That’s where the Shamanic Caravan comes in. Think of it as an exercise class for your soul.
I’m currently offering 90 minute Zoom sessions (called Wagons) twice a week (usually Tuesdays at noon and Thursday evenings), usually twice a month. During these Wagons, I create Sacred Space and rattle ‘Travelers’ on a journey. Each participant sets their own unique, private intention, while feeling and benefiting from the fuel of the energy and support generated by the group. Upon call-back, the details are recorded in a Wagon or ‘journey journal’ and – if desired – shared with the group.
Some people find that occasionally allies lead them to a place where they can just ‘be’ in a place where they can rest and replenish their energy. Sometimes they get very specific advice or guidance. Sometimes warnings to steer clear of certain activities are received or information that surprises or delights.
Every journey is different. If you don’t already know that, or if you’ve never journeyed before, you will discover this truth once you start journeying on a regular basis. Once you know the ‘rules of the road,’ all it takes is practice!
You’ll cultivate true relationships with your allies, be they power animals, guardians, guides, nature spirits, angelic beings, ascended masters, or whatever, whomever, or however they appear to you. You’ll also cultivate relationships with your fellow journeyers.
To receive Weekly Wagon emails advising of the Wagons scheduled for the coming week, send me an email at with “Weekly Wagon” in the subject line.
Listening Retreats – 2023
“Finding Stillness Amidst the Chaos”

Tohickon Creek – Photo: L. Weikel
2023 Listening Retreat Weekends:
Still to be determined!
New schedule will be released shortly.
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions:
Who am I, and why am I here?
Why do I work so hard (at a job I hate)?
What is this sense of yearning I feel?
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to immerse yourself in a weekend of:
Nature and Nurture,
Quiet and Inspiration,
Mystery and Magic?
Does the prospect sound tantalizing?
The lingering effects of living in our society these days can include:
- anxiety;
- loneliness;
- depression;
- emptiness; or
- a sense of something being “missing” in our lives.
Often, we try to numb ourselves from these feelings – or fill the void of that missing “something” – by engaging in all sorts of activities, many of which run counter to how we truly want to live:
- binge-watching tv, from escapist fare to politics;
- immersing ourselves on FB or other social media;
- drinking what we secretly know is “too much” or too often;
- dipping into our prescription meds – because we hurt;
- shopping for stuff we know we don’t need.
Rarely, however, do we try listening.
Such a simple concept, yet a skill few of us have mastered.
If some part of you yearns to hear the musings of the trees or the song that whispers in your soul, I invite you to join me for a mystical weekend of remembering what it means to experience the art of LISTENING.
Our weekend together will include:
- Spending time by ourselves in Nature
- Journaling
- Listening to our hearts
- Discovering the voices of Nature and Spirit
- Learning how to take a “shamanic journey”
- Listening to each other
- Remembering – and listening to – our soul’s yearnings
- Engaging in simple, but meaningful, ceremony
Price: $440 (program only) – Venmo (@Lisa-Weikel-4), Zelle, or PayPal.
If you prefer to pay by check, make it payable to Sage Bear Press, Inc. and send it to:
Sage Bear Press, Inc.
P.O. Box 182
Pipersville, PA 18947
Room & Board: (varies by venue, paid separately)
Includes light fare Friday evening, snacks, breakfast, lunch & dinner Saturday, light brunch Sunday. Vegetarian and some gluten-free selections will be offered, but other dietary restrictions need to be self-provided.
What have other “Listening Retreat” attendees had to say about their experiences?
“Your listening retreats not only allow for individual clarity, they have given an opportunity to make new friends. (…) When I ask… I receive! A wonderful thing you have taught me.”
– Judy, Bucks County, PA
“I’m so glad (my wife and I) decided to (attend the Listening Retreat). I feel much more connected to who I am, who I’m supposed to be, and why a lot of the bullshit I went through to get here is now in a greater context. My eyes, and my ears, and the door are open to the next step.”
– CDR, Bucks County, PA artist and author
“I thought the weekend was incredible.”
– Toby, NYC, NY
“I am transformed and I love my tribe!”
– KP, Doylestown, PA
2023 Weekends: TBD
“Listen to the wind…it talks
Listen to the silence…it speaks
Listen to your heart…it knows.”
– Native American proverb