Distracted – Day 794


Well, we’ve managed to experience yet another day that will go down in the history books for generations to come. One day after another, it almost feels like we’re boxers in a ring with one arm tied behind our backs. While I vowed to accomplish a number of items on my to-do list today, ultimately, I found myself hopelessly distracted.

I think what’s most disheartening is how DT manages to suck the oxygen out of the room no matter what else is happening in the world. And no matter whether he’s even in the room. For instance, it is unconscionable that I do not know how many people died today from Covid-19. From the historic second impeachment to credible discussions of Congressional members aiding and abetting the siege on the Capitol, there isn’t any room, apparently, to discuss or lament or mourn the victims of the pandemic.

All of which brings me to yet another aspect of the egregiously selfish and arrogant times in which we live. How many of us have seen the images of one of the safe rooms where members of the House were shepherded during the insurrection – the room in which a Democratic Representative politely offered masks to her Republican colleagues and asked them to wear them, since they were all in a confined space for who knows how long?

Two Things

There are two things that jump out as a result of that encounter. First of all, there are at least four people who have tested positive for the Coronavirus almost certainly as a result of exposure in that room. Three are members of Congress. And a fourth victim of the bullying ignorance of the Republican anti-maskers is Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s (D-MA) husband, Conan. He happened to be in Washington D.C. with his wife to attend and celebrate his wife’s swearing in. Little did he realize, he would also get a front row seat to sedition and what amounts to deliberate infection with a potentially deadly virus.

As members of the House of Representatives, these people are supposed to be our leaders. They are sent to Washington to work on our behalf, to craft laws and policies that make our country stronger, and to wisely guide our country on a path to equality and inclusion. (Yes, I am idealistic.) But no, the smug, arms-crossed, arrogant refusal of these members to simply wear a damn mask in order to protect other people – in order to simply be polite, if nothing else – was too much to ask.

Some example of leadership. Compassion. Maturity above the level of a six year old.

The Other Thing

The second thing that jumped out at me from the short video clip of that scene was the weird overall behavior of these Republican members. (And I should note, the ones shown were almost, if not entirely, all newly elected members. Members who may or may not qualify as conspiracy-minded.) When you look at that video clip and take into consideration that the Capitol was – right then and there – literally under siege, with windows and doors being battered down and marauders rioting through the halls, ransacking offices, running off with historic relics, and leaving calling cards of human feces and urine in our hallowed halls of Congress – these members sure seemed preternaturally cavalier about the situation.

Every single time I see that clip I get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Their obvious and utter lack of concern over their own wellbeing and safety is unnatural given the circumstances. Unless, of course, they somehow sensed that they were untouchable. I don’t know…that the mob maybe knows who they are, and won’t go after them?

Perhaps I’m reading it all wrong. It’s certainly possible. I just think there’s a ton of information that’s still going to come out – and a ton of potential violence that we may still bear witness to before this onslaught on our country is over.

I have a terrible sense that, really and truly, our greatest enemy is within. We must not be distracted from rooting it out.


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