How Many Did I Say? – Day Twelve (T-1099)



Wait a minute. What exactly is my 1111 Devotion commitment?

I’m thinking I meant 11 – and then stuttered, making it sound as though I said one thousand one hundred eleven posts, but actually meant 11. Surely, I meant eleven.

Of course I’m totally blowing smoke.

I’m just hitting that place that I feared – no, knew – I would when I set out on this mission, but sadly, am hitting far sooner than I’d hoped. The dreaded, “Oh crap, what do I have to write about tonight?” place.

I’m sitting here in an apartment in Massachusetts, listening to the comforting noises of heat tick tick ticking through the pipes, a kitten chomping on hard cat food behind me, and the unfamiliar hum of the refrigerator competing with the rustling of another kitten stalking a laser pointer’s cherry mouse within a bunch of packing paper.


Tonight I have to be satisfied with the simple act of writing this post. Satisfied with the fact that I am following through; fulfilling the commitment, even if it is not that great. Not even good. But it is sincere.

I care enough about fulfilling my commitment to risk exposing myself as occasionally completely uninspired. Hopefully for all of us, I will begin to cultivate oases of inspiration upon which I’ll be able to draw more often when I have nights like tonight.

That is definitely something I need to work on: keeping a list of potential topics.

Which reminds me: if any of you have suggestions, or questions, or topics you’d enjoy exploring with me, I’d love for you to let me know.

Thank you for checking in on me today.

2 thoughts on “How Many Did I Say? – Day Twelve (T-1099)

  1. Lisa you have journey is already adding so much newness to my life! Last night I was reading how you and your husband draw cards together almost every morning. This morning I found myself adding to the recent invitation to be open to my “Forever Partner” soon. As I’m appreciating my hardy breakfast before work today, I found myself adding in the possibility that my Forever Partner will welcome something similar to what you and Karl have made as part of your sacred relationship together.

    And this post had me wondering what animal(s) we will be blessed to include in our home.

    After yesterday’s winter temps and gusting winds, coming home to listening to cat crunching and playing would have been a lovely blessing.

    • In my experience, Jamie, being as explicit as you can when asking for the appearance of something in your life is very powerful. I’ve also been taught, though, that it is wise to add to your request, “This or something better,” for who knows what amazing blessings are out there for us to receive?!? Best not to limit them to our own imagination!

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