Resolution – Day Sixteen (T-1095)



I received a phone call first thing this morning from a man who identified himself as a Dell Service Technician. “Hi, I’m Steve and I’m calling about a Dell service issue?”

“Yes,” I replied, waiting, trying not to launch my frustration onto him.

“Yeah, I understand you’re having issues with your–” he continued. I laughed, interrupting him.

“Umm, yeah, you could say that.”

“I’m calling to set up an agreeable day and time for me to come out and see if I can help,” he continued, plowing through my slightly snide response.

“Today, to answer your question.” I responded promptly. “And now would be good.”

Steve laughed. I did too. But then I added, “We laugh, but I’m serious.”

“Hang on,” Steve replied, and I could hear him shuffling papers in the background.

“Umm, I can get there between 10:30 and 12:30…”

“Today?” I interrupted, somewhat incredulously, given my initial impression that he was scheduling for later in the week.


“I will be here! Let’s make it happen,” I assured him. “That is so great. Thank you.”

Technician in Shining Armor

And so it was that my Technician in Shining Armor arrived around 11:00 a.m. with both a new motherboard and a new LCD display (more accurately identified as the entire screen/top half of my laptop), which he very adeptly installed (with only minimal feline oversight), effectively leaving me with a virtually new laptop.

“If the symptoms should reoccur at all within the next few days,” Steve shared upon completion of his mission, which included installing a whole new Microsoft operating system, “we’ll know it’s nota hardware issue.”

“Which means I shouldn’t call you, eh?” I laughed.

“Nope,” he said, shaking his head. “Not. My. Thing.”

Nice guy. No nonsense. Five stars.

Dell is lucky to have such a first class independent contractor. And I’m lucky it was Steve who showed up today.


Funny thing, though?

As I started writing tonight’s post on the Dell, I realized I was feeling disloyal to my MacBook, so I’m writing this post on ‘her’ tonight. She got me through this debacle without missing a beat (besides getting knocked off the internet a zillion times in Boston, resulting in the post not getting uploaded until 12:02 a.m. that one night). But that wasn’t her fault.

We’ve become quite a team over the past week. She kept me from succumbing to resistance and blockages. Perhaps I will write all of my posts on her from now on. We’ll see!

4 thoughts on “Resolution – Day Sixteen (T-1095)

  1. Well, that was an adventure that had a good resolution. I wonder how many people would have kept at it like you did. The five hours on the phone might have done me in. You are a pit bull! Meanwhile, after you recover here is another issue you might want to sink your teeth in. I have just become aware of the Princeton Period Project run by a man named Gil Gordon. It is a nonprofit that was recently created because of the need for monthly menstral supplies for women who cannot afford them. Women and young girls have to stay home from work and school because they can do nothing else! When I read the article, I was appalled that this situation never occurred to me. If inclined, you could read about it at
    Meanwhile I look forward to reading your blog each day. You are a writer and a star!
    Nancee Goldstein

    • Nancee, thank you for this! I will definitely read about it in more detail tomorrow. (I just “lost” the reply I’d written to your comment by clicking on the link, thinking I would open it up now and read it tomorrow!) Ugh!

      Just from your brief synopsis, it is appalling to think that the inability to pay for such basic necessities is impacting young women in our country in this day and age. I know, I am naive. Maybe I can at least raise awareness of this project in my own, albeit limited, circle.

  2. I’m not recalling how many years it’s been since I switched from PC to Mac. One of the things that persuaded me to change was how Mac was supporting our Artists and our Creative Ones in ways that PC had fallen short for years with their “user friendly” style.

    I love how your MacBook has found a special way to reconnect and support you during this special creative journey!

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