Sudden Sadness – Day Fourteen (T-1097)


Sudden Sadness


Karl and I just safely arrived home from Massachusetts a short while ago.

Knowing I needed to write my post for the day, I logged onto my laptop. (My MacBook Air, for those of you who might be wondering. I will deal with Dell tomorrow.)

I clicked on Face Book almost without thinking, and the very first post that showed up on my feed was something from a dear friend from high school.

Her Use of the Past Tense Said It All

As soon as I started reading it, I noticed her use of past tense when referring to her brother, giving me a terrible, hollow feeling in my heart.

I didn’t know Mike – not really. He was a presence, but I was not; so he didn’t bother with me – as is not uncommon with older brothers in general, especially when they’re somewhat close in age, but just out of range, so to speak. But I knew ‘of’ him, and over the course of the recent years of FB, I’d gotten a taste of his sense of humor and loveable-bearness.

But Ann’s use of the past tense, and her description of the past two weeks – yes, only TWO WEEKS – before losing him this morning to an apparently lightning-swift or long undiagnosed cancer is stunning and heartbreaking.

And so I am once again left wanting to comfort, to console, to make sense of how devastatingly quickly any of our lives can change through loss or end.

I am glad for him that he did not linger or suffer. And I am beyond sad for the grief and loss of my dear friend Ann and her sister Jane.

6 thoughts on “Sudden Sadness – Day Fourteen (T-1097)

  1. I really have to get the hang of posting on the computer. I’ve responded to other posts but none of them have gone through! Mercury retrograde I think not! Computer illiteracy is a more probable cause.
    So true how our lives can change so dramatically and devastatingly through loss, both on a personal and a collective level.

    • Thanks for commenting, Jean!
      I haven’t seen any other comments by you, so I’m not sure what’s going on. At any rate, I’m delighted that you took the time not only to read my post but also to PERSEVERE in your attempts to comment! Thank you!

      And hey, we might as well blame it on Mercury Retrograde.

      As far as loss goes, I am feeling very uneasy on the collective level…

  2. I just love this posted photo of Karl the light in his eyes! I hope as you write that light lives in your heart

  3. Today I was reminded once again how loss impacts us for many years and how “certain days” will always be extra hard for some of us.

    Today I found a neighbors Rock Hide-A-Key. When she called to thank me for returning her key she lost over 2 years ago when her husband was still alive, in her closing she said how she especially needed a cheering up today.

    It wasn’t until a few minutes after our conversation that I recalled today was her husband’s birthday. How amazing that their key was found and returned to her today! Maybe he had it with him all this time and was waiting for a special day to return it 🤔 ?!?

    💞 May we all always be open to finding little and big ways to support and surround those who are impacted by loss of loved ones

    • What a LOVELY story, Jamie!
      By paying attention and **seeing** that hide-a-key at that precise moment on that precise day, you were essentially broadening your day-to-day mission as a message-carrier to acting on behalf of the Spirit realm!
      I am sure you were an incredible blessing. Well done!

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