Day Fifteen (T-1096)

“Cawing” It Like I See It


This will probably be a pretty short post. I’m still in the midst of my laptop saga. There is a chance I will be visited by a Dell technician tomorrow, provided the new motherboard and LCD something-or-other have been delivered. But it sounds like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. And of course I will keep you updated!

Once again: I am SO GRATEFUL to have my MacBook Air. Geesh, where would I be without it?

In the meantime, I want to alert you to a decidedly dubious decision made by Facebook today.

I have a great friend, Myrina, who recently launched a website and instagram account offering a unique and fascinating insight into the application of tarot in our lives, working specifically with a really cool deck that focuses on alchemy. This is her website . Her instagram name is cosmic.meta.crow.

Anyway, this is the post she just made a few days ago:

Now I want you to contemplate everything you see and hear and read about not only on FB, but also on television, in magazines, in movies, etc. Think about all of the egregious images and concepts that fill our airwaves every day.

Well, guess what? (I’m sure on some level you won’t be surprised in the least.) Facebook (or Instagram) (or both) refused to allow Myrina to promote her post for this week (a three card “spread” for which she offers an interpretation for readers to ponder) because of the Lovers Card!

Check that card out. It doesn’t even have any full-frontal nudity! It is the Lovers card. And her post was deemed offensive.

I find it offensive that we can be inundated with violence every day, but a drawing of two human bodies, in repose and affection, with hardly the slightest glimpse of anything is deemed too risqué for publication.

I think this whole ridiculousness highlights the astonishing prudishness (or should I say, “Puritanism?”) that remains vital and flourishing in this country.

How in the world can the human body be deemed offensive when killing and maiming it is not? Indeed, even more perverse is the categorization of the concept of “Lovers” as objectionable. Is it sex? They’re clearly not “having sex” on this card. Just what is so terrifying about the ultimate expression of our desire for union anyway?

If you are interested in a fascinating, complex, introspective perspective on tarot and how it might provide you with some insight and guidance each week, I encourage you to visit my subversive cosmic.meta.crow friend’s site. Be a little naughty (at least, according to Facebook) – you just might fly free!

4 thoughts on “Day Fifteen (T-1096)

  1. Could be a FB computer algorithm rejected the photo. Hopefully there’s a way your friend can appeal to a real person! You may have noted I don’t do too much FB anymore–queasy about what happens there ever since the 2016 election. Just read an opinion column about whether we have a moral duty to sign off FB (outcome–not yet but the company continually gets close to crossing red lines…) Anyway I’m glad one evening’s scrolling revealed your devotion 1111. Do you follow anyone else’s blogs from the 2014 “class” at Taos? I’ve bookmarked Sonya’s and Lynn’s.

    • Yep, Mary – those are the other two blogs from our “cohort” that I follow.

      Lucky me that you happened to be on FB and found my Devotion post! I am grateful that you continue to read my posts!

      And yes. I agree with you 100%. FB is fast approaching potential necessary “eradication” in my opinion, too. It is really awful what we’re learning. This Soros bit really has me on the edge of leaving. I do appreciate the opportunity to stay in contact with people I almost certainly wouldn’t have the chance to otherwise, though, that FB affords. It is a conundrum.

      My friend is very tech-savvy, so if there’s a way to get around it, I’m sure she’ll find it. But it was only one post. And I purposely wrote this post about it in order to do an end-run around them. Ha. We do what we can, I guess.

  2. Maybe it was the Strength Card?!?

    A beautiful woman riding a lion with the powers of the Sun and Moon pouring into her heart and overflowing it so fully that one of her breasts jumps out from under?!?

    Now that’s hot and freeing!

    Fascinating what is and is not “allowed” in this world by those who control so much.

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