Rainbow glare – Photo: L. Weikel
All I have to offer this evening are some photos I took on our walk early tonight. I realize they are but a distraction – but that’s all I can muster.
I tried watching something on Netflix tonight that would take my mind off the searing pain and rage our nation is experiencing. An animated series – Avatar: the Last Airbender. It’s such a great show, promoting and teaching timeless truths about relationships, power, and responsibility, among other things. If you can gloss over a little bit of the hokey banter, especially in the first few episodes, I promise you will find this series leaves you feeling brighter and remembering what’s important in life.
Karl and I are midway through the second season of the aforementioned animated Avatar. (I emphasize animated to distinguish from the live action film of the same name, which I’ve been told doesn’t hold a candle to the series). There are a total of three seasons to the series.
But alas, I returned to watching the reporting on the protests taking place across our nation after Karl went to sleep. I hold space for those friends of mine in cities under siege and hope they don’t get caught in the cross fire.
I only hope this pain will bring about the radical, systemic change that is the only thing that will heal these wounds.
So as I said when I started out this post, I offer you some photos of beauty, taken today.

Golden Deer Against an Angry Sky – Photo: L. Weikel