Not coyote bait tonight (Cletus) – Photo: L. Weikel
Just the other day, Karl and I marveled at the number of times random people brought up coyotes in casual conversation lately. Seriously. And the references have been eerily similar: “Watch your small animals. Coyotes are close.”
If we were in Arizona or New Mexico it would be one thing. But here we are, living in a suburb, if rural, (is there even such a thing as a rural suburb?) of Philadelphia.
When I was growing up, we never heard coyotes. I’m pretty sure they didn’t live in Pennsylvania – or if they did, I’m virtually certain they didn’t live in eastern PA. I distinctly remember being in my 30s before hearing my first coyotes, and we were in New Mexico at the time.

Probably wouldn’t mind a snack, but not a scratchy one
Things Change
Luckily for coyotes, like eagles and hawks, they seem to be making a huge resurgence into our area. This brief video report states that they’re now located in all 67 counties of the commonwealth. And a bit unsettlingly, it sounds like the coyotes that migrated here from out west over the years engaged in some ‘layovers’ (and illicit dalliances) with wolves along the way. Genetically speaking, at least some of the coyotes that are establishing populations here in Pennsylvania are part wolf, too.
I first mentioned coyotes in this post, back in 2019. And I’ve occasionally encountered them howling in the distance while out stargazing.
But over the past several weeks, mostly since the new year, we’ve heard their eerie howls echoing off the steep cliffs lining the Tohickon at least half a dozen times. One time was particularly humorous, because they were echoing and mimicking the wail of the firehouse siren a few miles away.

Coyote – Photo: Wikipedia
Past Two Weeks
But over the past two weeks, we’ve had at least four conversations with neighbors or hunters in the area. Everyone is starting to notice them.
Karl and I thought it seemed a bit over the top to hear people warn us to be careful of our animals. They made their comments with knowing glances toward the pups. I have to admit, I couldn’t imagine a coyote threatening Pacha or Brutus. Why would they go after them when there are so many deer and other wild animals around? Game that’s not attached by a long cord to a human seems a lot more desirable.
But you know what? Karl just came inside after taking Brutus out for a quick refresher. When he came in, he looked spooked. He heard coyotes in the field quite close, he said. They were howling and carrying on.
And while the ‘call of the wild’ didn’t seem to perturb Brutus in the least, we both decided to keep Cletus inside tonight. There’ve been too many random people telling us to protect our babies to turn a deaf ear to the warnings.