Couple Things – ND #54

This evening’s sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Couple Things

Oh my goodness. We have a big week ahead. Instead of a coherent theme for tonight’s post, I just want to mention a couple things.

New Month

In case you haven’t noticed, the usually interminable month of January is coming to a conclusion tomorrow (today by the time you read this). Yes, we’re firmly ensconced in the year of 2022. And as that new month comes zooming up to greet us this week, we encounter a couple of other firsts.

New Moon

Another ‘new’ this week is that we have a new moon taking place, for all intents and purposes, tomorrow night. Technically, the new moon doesn’t occur until 46 minutes past midnight tomorrow (Monday) night, meaning it actually takes place on Tuesday. I want to give you a heads up now, though, so you can take a day to reflect on the intentions you want to set for the coming month.

The best thing about this new moon, however, is that it’s technically the first new moon after the first full moon to occur in 2022. Why is that special?

New Year

Because it means this new moon is also the beginning of the Chinese New Year. Which brings with it yet another opportunity to claim a fresh start and a clean slate. I think I enjoy Chinese New Year because it gives me another opportunity to integrate or jettison all the stuff I’ve realized in January I perhaps should have left behind in 2021.

This year we’re entering the Year of the Water Tiger.

I’m going to have to poke around and find some interesting tidbits about what a Water Tiger year has in store for us. (At least some highights!?)

We managed to get out for a walk today! Photo: L. Weikel

New Friend

Finally, I’m going to have to introduce you to a new friend who came prancing into my life just today.

But in the meantime, on the 1st of February (this Tuesday), I hope you’ll join me by taking part in the EoP Biodiversity Process.

I’ve written about this a number of times, and although I try not to harangue you about it, you can read about it here. Taking part probably ‘costs’ you a total of 5 minutes out of your life. And yet, on some level, if you pay attention, you can literally feel the Spirits of (Your) Land perk up and feel appreciated when you follow the very simple steps to engage the process.

It really is remarkable to consider how little effort it takes to bring life, attention, and balance to your little patch of home (regardless of whether you own or rent or have lawn or land or not). All you need is responsibility for where you lay your head.

Lots of new stuff coming our way this week.


2 thoughts on “Couple Things – ND #54

  1. Don’t forget Imboc. Just so much happening on 02/02/2022. Though technically Imboc is Feb 1.

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