Oatmeal cookies (Trust me there were more) – Photo: L. Weikel
We decided to forego the normal Christmas fare this year. In fact we were pretty lackadaisical on the food front overall. (Anyone who knows me, knows that’s not a big stretch for this forager.)(And no, that’s not any type of romanticized version of a forager. I’m talking refrigerator and cupboard foraging.)
Anyway, probably because I’d declared publicly that I wanted to read, I decided instead to bake cookies.
Yeah. Don’t look at me like that.
I baked oatmeal cookies on Christmas Eve and peanut butter cookies today.
And tomorrow, because I’m a glutton for punishment (and I’m also clearly not on the timeline most people are, since the holiday baking is supposed to be complete by now, isn’t it?), I’m actually going to try my hand at making Aunt Grace’s kiffels. (This is the same Aunt Grace who would make the walnut torte as our birthday cake.)
I feel like, if you looked at me right now, I’d resemble a blowfish. I’ve probably eaten more cookies today than I’ve eaten in a year. I have to admit, though, while they may not be the traditional holiday cookies with sprinkles and cutouts, they are exceedingly tasty morsels.

Photo: zmescience.com
I’m actually looking forward to giving the kiffels a try. I feel as though I’m on a roll here on the baking front. So I might as well strike while the oven is hot. (Yeah, I know. I broadcast that one well in advance. You knew it was coming and I didn’t want to disappoint.)
Sugar Snark
Clearly I’ve had too many cookies. I’m writing this post with such wanton abandon that I feel as if I’ve had a couple stiff drinks. I do believe it must be the sugar. I’m punch drunk on cookie dough.
I hope everyone had a memorable day of family, friends, food, and fun – and not too much drama.
I need to get to bed. It’s kiffel time tomorrow!

Peanut butter cookies – Photo: L. Weikel