Closeup – Photo: L. Weikel
I have a confession to make. Last night when I got into bed and started reading my book (because no matter how tired I am when I go up, I always have to read for a few minutes), I quickly realized we had a visitor.
Now, at first, when the large dark figure caught my attention via my peripheral vision, I thought it was a young bat. Much as I love bats, I did not want a bat in my bedroom, especially at 2:00 a.m. It was moving around quickly in a herky-jerky manner, not alighting anywhere, and its dark brown color up against the white paint of our closed bedroom door prompted a deep, visceral assumption.
Laying my book aside, I carefully extricated my legs from under the covers and the extra entanglement that comes with Spartacus snuggled between my legs but sandwiched between the comforter and the blanket. Tigger was already ‘on mission.’ He saw that thing – whatever it was – and was actively conducting a risk assessment on whether or not to go after it. It was pretty big. Clearly, he was weighing his options.
As soon as I put one foot on the floor, this winged beast took off and careened toward my closet. Oh dear. Ah. Nope. No, it gravitated toward the window instead. Failing to find purchase anywhere near the window, it lurched its way toward me and the light on my bedside table. Great.

Moth Above & Frontal (check out that tail!) – Photo: L.Weikel
Not a Bat
The only good to come of that change of course was confirmation that it was not actually a bat, but rather a substantial-sized moth. Not as big as a luna moth or anything. But big enough to be mistaken for a small bat.
And somehow, at 2:15 a.m., the call of the pillow was louder than the call of the wild. I had no desire to chase this bug down. I was afraid I’d accidentally hurt it; I didn’t want to whack it with anything or kill it, but I did want to tactically immobilize it so I could release it outside. If possible. But not then.
I’ll admit it: since it wasn’t a bat, I opted to ignore it.
A Moth Instead
As you’ve so astutely observed from all the photos, you already know it was a moth. This afternoon I discovered it clinging to the window frame directly beside my side of the bed. Determined to do right by it, I used a tissue to cup it into my hands and immediately took it outside on our porch. I placed it on one of our green pillows and gave it the chance to fly away.
Of course, it didn’t – at least initially. In fact, it seemed to bask in the spotlight that surrounded it as I documented its beauty.
This was no moth that routinely frequents our home, much less our bedroom. Perhaps I’ll search for a website tomorrow that can help me identify it.
In the meantime, take a moment to appreciate its unique beauty. I think I’d like to call it a Cow Moth, by the looks of its face up close. But that up-curved tail is especially peculiar. Doesn’t it almost look like a small plane, possibly one of those that land on water.
Hmm. I just might have to write another post on this creature. Guess we’ll see.

Moth Side View – Photo: L. Weikel