Cold Snap – Brutus & Pacha’s First Jackets – Photo: L. Weikel
Cold Snap
Yesterday afternoon’s wild line of storms that barged through our area ushered in an entirely new season. We’re now navigating some deliciously brisk fall weather! In fact, I’d almost go as far as to say we’re enjoying the first cold snap of the season. And let me tell you: there are two short-haired Boston Terrier puppies who take serious umbrage at this turn of events!
Pacha and Brutus are utterly worn out this evening. The sudden change in seasons wears us all out, pups. We humans can relate; at least I know the two-leggeds you’ve chosen to live with can.
Watching their reaction to the sudden shift in temperatures was fascinating. It started last night. Trying to get them to tinkle outside when it was not only raining but the temperature had dropped 30 degrees or so was, umm, frustrating. They obviously wanted no part of that nonsense.
Both of them immediately headed back onto the porch, demanding immediate re-entry into the warm (dry) house. It was a test of wills. Back and forth. Again and again. I have to give it to them (especially Pacha): they are stubborn. Ultimately, I’d say it was a draw, which isn’t exactly the best outcome, but oh well.

Sheila: Mother of a Grand Tradition of Warmth – Photo: L. Weikel
This Shivering
Oh my, let me tell you. The shivering we witnessed today! As it is, they’re tiny and adorable little Beings. But when they start trembling and looking up at you with those irresistible puppy eyes? Putty. You turn to putty. Naturally, lap time was essential.
I was quickly dispatched to locate some appropriate fall weather fashions to keep these sensitive loves warm. Sheila and Spartacus had long since grown out of any puppy-sized sweaters or coats. In fact, we walked so often and so religiously that they wore out most of their clothing. Spartacus was definitely wearing some threadbare ensembles last year.
The other day, Pacha balked at wearing a harness that required her to put her head through a loop. (Brutus couldn’t care less.) I was surprised to find a harness for her that just allows her to step into it. No over-the-head stuff involved. (Wow, these dogs are spoiled. Sheila and Spartacus never had so many options.)
I was wondering, then, how they would react to putting on a ‘coat.’ Suffice it to say, there was no need. In true Boston Terrier fashion, they took to these fleece jackets like ducks to water. Not a single struggle or whimper; indeed, both fell deeply asleep as soon as they got warm and cozy.
Bottom Line
The ultimate take-away from this experience so far is that donning warm fleece jackets may be just the ticket to lulling two little puppies to sleep.
Can you imagine how hard they’re going to fall for the fireplace? I suspect that’s when we’re going to see some major inter-species snuggling (and vying for the best spots in front of the hearth).
Every day holds a new adventure. Thanks for sharing them with us!
My pups love the wind (not me). When it is cold Rosemary loves her coat but Daisy runs and if you happened to catch her she refuses to walk. In fairness, her own fur coat is pretty thick for a Doxie.
I had a Shamanic Reiki class outside all day. It was sooooo windy. We were all wrapped in blankets. The chill is find, keep the wind.
Daisy sounds like a piece of work! It’s fascinating how unique their personalities are.
Oh man, Donna, it must’ve been a challenging class. You’re right: the chill is one thing. But the wind can not only make the chill unbearable, it can also exhaust you.