Cloud Goblin – Day 225

Cloud Goblin – Photo: L. Weikel

Cloud Goblin

If you’ve been hanging with me and reading my daily posts for a while, you’ll undoubtedly agree that I have a thing for clouds.

When I scan the photos I’ve stored on my phone, the vast majority are of clouds. Sunsets are probably a close second, although they would probably vie for that position with my totally cherished and unabashedly spoiled pets.

My particular fondness for capturing images of clouds is connected to how these images almost always reveal shapes or faces or images that I didn’t even see when I snapped the shot. I’ve shared a number of unique clouds with you already.

Honestly, in many ways they feel like a readily available and nearly endless supply of inspiration. And with the prospect of at least another 886 posts ahead of me, my appreciation for this atmospheric support group is monumental.

Cloud Readings

There have been times when I’ve been known to give ‘cloud readings.’ The only time I’ve ever given them in a somewhat formal fashion was when I was appearing at the Tinicum Arts Festival in my role as the WiseWoman of Wormansville.

It’s funny, because I actually offered ‘Cloud Readings’ as an option specifically because I own a wonderful divinatory set called Cloud Dancing – Wisdom From the Sky, which I intended to use.  But when people approached me and were more interested in receiving a “Cloud Reading’ than in a Medicine Card reading (gasp!), the look of disappointment on their faces when I pulled out the cards took me totally by surprise.

As a result, I decided to plunge headlong into the unknown. I trusted myself and simply looked up. I told them what I saw.

Judging from their reactions, the risk was worth it.

Some Surprises

Occasionally, when I start scrolling through my cloud photos, I’ll see something entirely different or new than what I saw when I snapped the photo. Many times, I just whip out my phone and take a photo because I love the colors, or because I see something that – in retrospect – I can’t for the life of me see again.

Tonight, for instance, Karl and I found ourselves walking with our heads tilted upward a great deal of our walk. (I’m probably going to have a sore neck tomorrow!) The ripples of the clouds were rather fascinating to observe, but I couldn’t seem to capture the effect that was so mesmerizing to us.

Nevertheless, when I started to write tonight, I quickly took a glance at the photos I took. I became intrigued by one in particular. Suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, a face made itself obvious to me. Once I saw ‘him’ I couldn’t unsee him.

I call the photo Cloud Goblin.

I share him here, without an interpretation. Just a face in the sky. And an inspiration I didn’t see coming – for which I’m nevertheless grateful – for yet another 1111 Devotion blog post.


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