Photo: L. Weikel
Cloud Conclave
About halfway into our walk-around this evening, we became aware of a Gathering of Cloud Beings assembling in the west just after the sun dipped below the horizon. All of a sudden, great billowy Beings resembling the Michelin Tire man – or maybe more accurately, the massive billowy guy in the original Ghostbusters movie – started morphing and distinguishing themselves. Yup. The longer we walked, the more obvious it became: we were witnessing a Cloud Conclave.
To be honest, it didn’t look like it was a meeting of dire seriousness. Just a cursory glance at the participants lent the distinct impression that this was a first-time event for some of the Cloud Beings. Indeed, it almost felt as if several attendees were parents bringing their young ones to their first CC.

Witnesses to The Force – Photo: L. Weikel
A Bigger Deal Than We Realize
Perhaps all the activity we’re engaging in, the disturbance in The Force that’s occurring as people all over the country line up to cast their votes, is creating ‘must see human activity’ for the Cloud Beings. It’s possible they’re gathering now in order to get a sense of what, if anything, we’ll need on the final official day of this ‘season’ that’s capturing the attention of this particular flavor of human being. Or maybe it’s just entertaining for them to witness us masking up and social distancing, just for the opportunity to drop our envelope into a box.*
Certainly the Cloud Beings are aware that this type of reaction to an election – they are at least some of those we might consider to be Watchers, after all. And this fierce determination to make sure that each and every vote is counted probably hasn’t been anywhere near as intense for generations of human lives in the United States.
It is indeed a sight to behold. Just look at that: the citizens of the country renowned throughout the world as a light of democracy and a guardian of free and fair elections are finally, maybe, in the final days of 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, going to finally get it through their heads just exactly how precious their single vote is.

Conclave from afar – Photo: L. Weikel
It’s Sacred
It’s exciting. It’s sacred. It’s both a right and a responsibility.
No wonder the Cloud Elders are bringing the Cloud Youngsters to a Conclave. The realization of just how precious each one of our votes is deserves recognition and celebration.
* I voted today: placed my ballot in its security envelope, placed that in the bigger envelope, then signed, sealed, and hand-delivered that to the drop off box at the old courthouse. Aaah.

Doylestown, PA – lines to cast ballots; Photo: L. Weikel