Frog Close Up – Photo: L. Weikel
Clean Out
We met this lovely creature on our walk yesterday. It seemed like the perfect messenger for the day of the full moon and a lunar eclipse, for Frog’s message is almost always, in some way, shape, or form, “Clean out!”
It only makes sense, when we just take a look around us. We’re doing our best to clean out our belief systems – regarding racial inequities, justice, policing, transparency, solidarity, just to name a few. We’re realizing that the old ways of thinking and living with each other in a so-called civil society need to be overhauled if we’re going to survive another 200 years. Or maybe even just another two.
Seems to me that the lore surrounding a lunar eclipse – that it forces us to look at what’s been hidden from view, perhaps ideas or emotions or beliefs that we’ve even hidden from ourselves – is impacting everyone on the planet right now, but especially us here in the U.S.

Such beautiful markings – Photo: L. Weikel
Decision Time
It seems to me, then, that when we look, when we dare to uncover the stuff that maybe we feel a bit of shame over or discomfort, or possibly even guilt for feeling or thinking or believing, we need to take it one step further. We need to make a decision.
We need to decide: do these beliefs truly serve me? Does believing them make my life better? Do I honestly feel happier or proud of myself for holding on to these beliefs?
And if our answer is no to any of these questions, we need to clean out.

Which way are we going? – Photo: L. Weikel