Marsh Wren – Blending In; Photo: L. Weikel
Blend Into the Background
Oh my goodness. The past few evenings have been quite the shock to my system! The chilly edge to the air takes my breath away and makes me feel – I don’t know – vulnerable. And I’m not even sure I could answer if you asked me, “Vulnerable to what?” It’s a rather ineffable sense. Nevertheless, I must admit, I’m feeling a strong urge to just stop, step back, and blend into the background.
Since the death of RBG, I’ve not paid quite as much attention to the news. Actually, I don’t know if that’s exactly true. It wasn’t immediately upon her passing that I withdrew from tracking the news. It was more like 18 hours later. It was when I saw that trusting Republicans to behave with any semblance of integrity or honor was fruitless and a fool’s errand.
There is no sense of decorum being exhibited by the Republicans nor is there even the remotest attempt to honor the historic recognition of the most basic of moral consistency or responsibility to telling the truth. I guess I knew it when the Senate refused to convict and remove DT for his corrupt solicitation of Ukraine. Or at least I should have known, since they broadcast their willingness to tolerate obvious malfeasance if the purveyor of that corruption would garner them more power.
Stepping Back
I’m feeling the need to step back and blend into the background. The assaults on my fundamental belief that people will inherently do what is right in matters of grave consequence are taking their toll. I am seeing with stark clarity that the acquisition and retention of power is everything to Trump Republicans. And yes, I do see a difference between Trump Republicans and the Republicans I knew growing up – my parents, just to name two off the top of my head.
The reason for feeling I must step back at this moment is because it is crystal clear that nothing will persuade Trump Republicans to act with integrity. There is no appealing to their sense of right or wrong, their sense of decency, or even their own sense of shame over blatantly bulldozing through supposed behavioral firewalls they professed that they could be held to account over.
Nothing matters to them other than accruing and wielding power. And winning. So much winning. Who cares if it’s at the expense of their integrity? Or causes the death of fellow citizens. What a laugh.

Marsh Wren going about it’s business – Photo: L. Weikel
Stop Wasting Energy
And so, blending into the background feels appropriate at this moment. Not because I’m giving up. Not because I have any intention of running away. Rather, it’s time for me (and all of us) to stop wasting energy expecting anything from them but the most selfish and self-serving choices and actions in any given situation, especially those pertaining to power in any form. Instead, we need to gather our resources.
Don’t waste your breath arguing. Don’t waste your time trying to shame them or appeal to their sense of decency. Instead, we are best served by blending into the background and strategizing how to counter the treachery. Imagine the worst case scenarios and plan for them. For they are broadcasting their intentions loud and clear. Everything they accuse Democrats of doing and plotting is precisely their own game plan. How many times must we see this play out?
Get quiet. Take a few steps back. Instead of expressing surprise yet again at their behavior and lack of character, pay careful attention. Observe what they’re broadcasting is their intention. How do we do that? Listen to what they’re screaming that Democrats will do to subvert the election. Listen to what they repeat over and over again will happen after November 3rd. Listen to the dire predictions of armed ‘insurrection.’ Why? Because that’s their plan. They’re broadcasting it.
So we must stop, step back, blend into the background, and prepare.
Let’s get smart and stop falling for the bullshit.