Finding Zen in the CC – ND #124
Biological Imperative
In case you didn’t get the veiled reference I made back in this post, our little Pacha and Brutus aren’t babies anymore. No, it would appear eight months of age heralds that magic moment when puppies (our puppies, at least) begin feeling their oats and desiring, with a biological imperative of epic ferocity, to sow them.
Yes, yes. Their plain old, standard issue crate has gradually morphed from being labeled the ‘Red Crate’ (so named since the last week of April) to the ‘Chastity Crate’ last night.
While Pacha felt a bit punk and confused over the bodily changes that started almost two weeks ago, she took a lot of comfort in bonding with me. All of a sudden, our notoriously rebellious and sassy Pacha became Mommy’s Girl Pacha – a role that surprised both of us. She stuck to me like Velcro. And to be clear, it wasn’t because she was trying to get away from any of the males or felines in the household. None of them were bugging her. It was simply a case of her needing to be understood without having to say a word. In other words, she needed some girl time a la The Red Crate*.

Brutus asking, “What????” – Photo: L. Weikel
And Then Everything Changed
As far as her flowering womanhood went, Brutus was curious and a little puzzled why she wasn’t seeming to want to play as much. He knew something was ‘going on down there,’ and he was happy to make sure she wasn’t dying. And while we did of course have to call him off (and her off him), the tackling of each other wasn’t happening overwhelmingly more often than it ever did. The two of them have always wrestled and messed around.
As it happens, I ran into a friend at Pet Smart yesterday and told her that Pacha was coming into her womanhood. (Becoming a bitch, while technically accurate, definitely holds far too much judgmental baggage.) She proceeded to tell me a story about her dad and how he thought he’d built some excellent pens for their dogs when they went into heat. Well. Their males apparently became so infatuated with their biological imperative that they literally ripped boards off the sides of the pens to be with their girls. Long story short: in no time there were 40 puppies.
She laughed when I said we seemed to be keeping them away from each other without much trouble.
I swear, I got home and what I’d sensed shifting that morning had become utterly manifest while I was out shopping (at Pet Smart, for one). Brutus has suddenly become a relentless rut-seeker. He is more single-minded than I have ever seen any animal be. And it has suddenly become a two person job to keep him off her.
It’s astounding.

Brutus not liking the CC quite as much as Pacha – Photo: L. Weikel
Enter the Chastity Crate
And so now the Red Crate had become the Chastity Crate. They take turns being inside it, since we don’t want it to feel like a punishment to either of them. Neither really seems to mind, although they’re both obviously sad and miss playing with their best friend.
When the lust becomes too much, there is some whining and digging at the CC. But they don’t get anywhere, so they eventually get tired and fall asleep.
To be honest, Pacha seems to enjoy being in the Chastity Crate more than Brutus, presumably because it’s a respite. Brutus simply looks forlorn and seems to wonder why his world has changed so drastically when all he wants to do is L-O-V-E his Pacha.

I feel you, Pacha-girl – Photo: L. Weikel
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Awww sad pups. I have 2 girls, no problems.
Yeah…it’s interesting!
Sheila was our only pup when she went into heat. And she was long ‘fixed’ by the time Spartacus came of age. (Indeed, she was his mom and was ‘fixed’ after her Caesarean to have him.)