Shhh! – Photo: L. Weikel
Back to Philadelphia
I have to admit, this week feels a tad interminable.
While I did get some things crossed off my list today, including taking our huge comforter to the laundromat to exorcise it of what appeared to be some rancid dog or cat barf (probably deposited in hostile protest to our being away for several days), I’m feeling a little stressed by the re-acclimation process.
For instance, I’m having a hard time remembering what day it is.
More CLEs In My Future
Tomorrow I head back to Philadelphia for more CLE (Continuing Legal Education). Over the course of the next two days I’ll be brushing up on my familiarity with mediation, with an eye toward application of these skills in the context of Parenting Coordination.
I’ll admit it: I’m a little leery about driving all the way into Center City in the Grey Ghost. Although I have to tell you: she passed inspection! And I drove her home from the Toyota ‘spa’ today and the Red Triangle of Death (RT of D) didn’t come on even once!

Photo: L. Weikel
Another Appointment for the Grey Ghost
In fact, I was so excited to think she still might have some spunk in her that I set up an appointment for Friday to have her ‘ass put back in place.’ Remember when I displayed my Herculean strength and pulled the entire rear entry assembly off the back of her a couple months ago?
Yes, well, the duct tape has been holding the ass-embly on quite ably, but I’ve been crunched by not being able to open the trunk of the car since then. Time to get it fixed if Toyota really feels they’ve fixed the RT of D (and engine light) issue.
So I’ll probably take the 7:00 a.m. train tomorrow.
And if that’s the case…I need to get to bed.