Waxing Moon 16 June 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel
A Worthwhile Endeavor
I listened with interest the other day to an Astrology Hub podcast discussing the transits for this week. In that Weekly Weather podcast, Anne Ortelee suggests an exercise that feels both intriguing and powerful to me. In fact, it feels like such a worthwhile endeavor that I thought I’d mention it here.
All of you know that I’m no astrologer. At best, I flirt with the tiniest bit of knowledge, which is always a dangerous thing. But in my beginner’s mind innocence, I also harbor enthusiasm for the insight the macrocosm can provide to each of us as a unique microcosm.
Of course, I’m providing the link to the specific podcast here. It may be a little confusing, but I’m finding the best way to learn this stuff is to listen and apply it to my own chart. I suggest you do the same. In fact, there were even more interesting insights in this particular podcast that I’m following up with for myself. But see for yourself, if you’re interested.
One great thing about Amanda Pua Walsh, the founder of Astrology Hub and the host of the Weekly Weather as well as the Cosmic Connection (the program with Rick Levine that I’ve linked to occasionally) is that she asks great questions. Not only does she summarize what’s been said by the astrologer, but she also seems to get confused when I do – and asks for clarification when I need it.

Weird Clouds at Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel
Planting Seeds for the Long Haul
The exercise that Anne Ortelee suggested in this week’s Weekly Weather podcast has to do with the new moon that occurred last Thursday morning. You may recall that the new moon was also an eclipse of the sun. And to add to the intensity of that astrological lineup, it just so happened that the new moon and eclipse both lined up with the “Nodes of Fate.” The Nodes of Fate are the Moon’s Nodes – something I’m not equipped to get into describing at the moment. Suffice it to say, the Moon’s North Node conjuncted (landed in the same sign and the same degree as) the new moon and the eclipse.
I’ve written a number of times about the new moon being a fertile time to plant the seeds of new ideas or goals. These generally may come to fruition in a month, or in longer time frames such as 2.5 years. Well, precisely because this new moon took place conjunct the Moon’s Nodes (specifically the North Node of the Nodes of Fate), at an eclipse, a 19 year process was set in motion.
Since it’s only been a week since that powerful conjunction, the moon is still just beginning to wax and grow the intentions set during that time. In other words, it’s not too late to plant those seeds – particularly for the long haul of what you would like to manifest over the next 19 year phase of your life.
Interesting Exercise
If you even just indulge me in this and allow yourself to ponder what you would like to be experiencing in your life 19 years from now, you’ll see that this is a worthwhile endeavor. For one thing, it is fascinating to look back 19 years from this moment and ponder just what you were thinking, doing, and dreaming back then.
Did you have an accurate assessment of your present circumstances 19 years ago? Is the life you’re living now anything like the one you were living then? Are you living a life now that you fully imagined then?
Simply reflecting on the changes in your life over the past 19 years is fascinating. At least I found it to be so. And realizing that I had no idea then that I would be doing what I do now for a living makes me realize just how much everything can change in 19 years.
The most important thing to remember in contemplating this exercise is to focus upon what you want to feel in 19 years. The specifics can be filled in by Life Itself. But the most important activity we can do right now is set the intention of what we want to feel. Do we want to be surrounded by people we love and who love us? Will we be living in a home that’s secluded and in the country or within walking distance to the most important things in our life? Do we want excellent health? Children? Do we want to be living with a person who loves us and shares our passions? Do we want to own our own company or head a non-profit?
It’s the Passion
What’s most important in writing out these seeds that we want to plant/goals that we want to create or manifest in our lives is how deeply and passionately we want them. It’s not as much in the details; it’s the passion. Often the Universe (or Spirit or God/Goddess, whatever you want to call Creator energy) will give us something even better than we could have imagined.
“This or something better”
The truth is, we go a long way in getting the ball rolling by tapping into what’s in our hearts. And let’s be real. How often do we honestly sit down and contemplate what would I like to be experiencing 19 years from now?
It’s a most intriguing question. And depending upon your age, it can feel a bit unsettling or daunting. If we can overcome our initial uneasiness, though, the power of our imagination can be utterly life changing. And a worthwhile endeavor no matter how you look at it.

Waxing Moon in Virgo Flirting with Clouds – Photo: L. Weikel