Train to Lansdale (formerly known as the R5) – Photo: L. Weikel
A Quickie Tonight
No, you guys. That’s not what I mean!
I’m finding my ability to keep my eyes open this evening is seriously compromised, and thus I will not be discussing my interpretation of Paper Wasp’s appearance ‘in my face’ this evening.
I’ll weigh in on that tomorrow.
Unexpected Opportunity
I’m more tired than usual this evening because I spent the afternoon and evening in Philadelphia. I had the good fortune to be invited to attend the first ever Workers’ Presidential Summit, which was sponsored by the AFL- CIO in Philadelphia.
This has been my lucky political year so far. First, I was invited to an event where I got to meet and listen to Corey Booker a few months ago.
Today, I had the opportunity to hear Joe Biden, Andrew Yang, Bill DeBlasio, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Amy Klobuchar address a room full of union workers at the Philadelphia Convention Center.
What a cool thing – to be able to get a sense of these people a little closer up, a little bit more personally and authentically, (or at least not separated from me by a tv screen). I have to say, attending these events has made a difference for me in how I perceive some of these candidates.
Which leads me to feel the need to make one statement before I go to bed this evening:
While I do feel it will be better to have the Democratic field of potential contenders winnowed down sooner rather than later, I actually feel like it’s a great opportunity for people to get their ideas out in front of the public and potentially drive some policy changes in those who ultimately become the nominee.
Make That Two Statements
The second statement I want to make is that I feel we are incredibly fortunate to have such outstanding candidates from which to choose. And my favorites weren’t even represented today, much as I really like some of those who spoke, and gained respect for others.
But I can state that each person who spoke today was sincere and smart, poised and ready to lead the country to a more unified, caring, and prosperous future.
I felt proud of each of these individuals, and appreciative that they care enough about the state of disunity, anguish, and fear of the future so many in our country are feeling to stand up and do something about it.
As I ran to catch my train (and it arrived just as I was hustling down the steps at Jefferson Station), I realized that I feel hope. And it feels great.

Sleeping Beauties – Photo: L. Weikel