Pileated Woodpecker – Photo: L.Weikel
A New Messenger
I’m luckier than most people. Or maybe I’m not – maybe I’m just more acutely aware of the amazing people and experiences that come into my life on an astonishingly frequent basis, and thus feel luckier. And maybe I seem more aware simply because I ‘pay attention to that stuff.’
Take for instance the fact that a new messenger arrived in my life this morning.
This beautiful Winged One literally squawked and resoundingly banged its head right outside my bedroom window until I woke up and paid attention to it. It found me in my dreams, and both boisterously and tenaciously dragged me out of my sleep and into my day. It even danced around the tree, teasingly allowing me to take its photo a number of times, even though the camera kept weirdly shifting to a brilliant white screen when I zoomed in on it.
A Rare Sighting
Some might say it was a Spirit bird for that reason. (And others might say it was just the way the light was hitting the iPhone, Lisa. Settle yourself.)
Either way, at least I did manage to snag a photo I could use to share with all of you, although it doesn’t do justice to the brilliant beauty and captivating authority exuding from my Pileated friend.
I want to note a few things here: We have lived in this house for 34 years. During that time, I have seen a Pileated Woodpecker here on our property one other time, and that was about four years ago or so. It may actually have been in a tree between our house and that of the parents of the infamous Duckhead, which would qualify this Pileated as indeed the first one to make an appearance on our property to our knowledge.
It’s thus extremely odd that this fairly ginormous woodpecker seemed to make a point of diving into my subconscious and pulling me out of a dream to communicate with me. This is particularly true when you consider Pileateds are notoriously shy and generally like to hide from people.
Significance of Pileated Woodpecker
I only just now had a chance to look up the spiritual significance often attributed specifically to Pileated Woodpeckers.
This is from Animal-Wise* by Ted Andrews:
“PILEATED WOODPECKER – Keynote: Follow your own rhythm, regardless of others
“I am fortunate to have in the woods around my home at least seven types of woodpeckers, including the pileated. All woodpeckers teach us something about a new rhythm at play within our life. Some do so more strongly than others and the pileated woodpecker is one of them.
All woodpeckers have a strong bill, pointed for chipping and digging through the bark of a tree for insects. Their stiff tail is used as a prop, allowing them to ‘drum.’
The pileated is a wary kind of woodpecker. One of the largest, it is not always seen. It is solid black, distinguishing it from most other birds and it has the red crested plumage. Any kind of crown or crest on an animal is usually an indication to follow one’s own thinking.
When the pileated appears, it is time to follow your own thinking and your own rhythms. Be wary of others trying to nudge you into a rhythm or behavior with which you are not comfortable. Trust your own instincts as to the rhythm that works for you. Though others may not understand your thinking processes as you take on new endeavors, do not be dissuaded – even if you do not quite understand them. The pileated reminds us that our way will work best now. Take your thoughts and give them action.”
Big Day for This Message
A lot’s been coming to me lately in the form of messages, both overt and subtle. There is no question but that change is charging the air around me. A few times lately, I’ve literally sensed a faint buzzing or sizzling charge in the atmosphere around me.
While I am not fully aware of the changes that are trying to manifest in my life (even though I sense them nearby), I can’t help but honor Pileated Woodpecker for knocking at the door of my dreams this morning: my 60th birthday.
There’s Work to be done. And I’m grateful and excited to feel so supported and encouraged.

Pileated Woodpecker – wikipedia.com
*affiliate link
Happy Birthday, Lisa! After the hoo-rahs and shindigs (and cakes!) may your own retreat fulfill the desire to pull the messages together…fantastic photo and experience with the woodpecker.
Thank you, Mary! From your mouth to the Goddess’s ears.
It’s coming. I can feel it.
Happy Birthday Lisa! I really look forward to your daily posts. Thanks for sharing your stories.
Thank you, Judy! I’m glad you’re enjoying them.